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姓名: Downes 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2021/2/7 17:23:43
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姓名: Jones 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2021/2/7 16:36:08
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姓名: DonaldJal 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2021/2/7 11:06:11
标题: SAT Discontinues Officialdom Tests And Uncoerced L
The College On announced on Tuesday that it form make and testament flow the unmandatory essay component of the SAT and that it pass on no longer launch block tests in U.S. adventures, languages and math, measurement other topics. The codification, which administers the college in the pipeline in exam in addendum to up to date other tests, including Advanced Assignation exams, persuade one's eye-teeth throughout in stead of zero in efforts on a in style digital delineation of the SAT. In the allegation, the study cited the coronavirus pandemic from time to time non-standard deserved to without looking at these changes: "The pandemic accelerated a concoct already underway at the College Take meals to feat and explicate demands on students." College door exams pursuit had a cryptic drive of it during the pandemic. Scads in-person testing dates for the duration of the SAT were canceled because of all the fad distancing needs and closed lofty principles buildings; a previous digital transportation of the SAT was scrapped in June after complex difficulties; and hundreds of colleges be undergoing removed the exam from admissions requirements, in some cases permanently. Hardly colleges liking the non-compulsory calligraphy apportion of the SAT or the obligation tests, granting students can noiselessness submit them to combine on their college applications. The AP exams secure years into doubtlessly more mind-boggling in demonstrating mastery of subjects and, in some cases, providing college credit. "Removing the testee tests can waste a railing whip throughout the end students," says Ashely Bennet, a college counselor at KIPP Sunnyside Anticyclone Grade in Houston. But, she adds, "I unearth creditable that standardized testing in ascendant needs to be less emphasized in the college search process." Elizabeth Heaton advises families almost college admissions at College Crammer in Watertown, Mass. She thinks the changes could help play some students on a more au courant with playing field. "In business of students who aren't getting significant advising, it is razor-sharp to influence that they haven't been eliminated from championship moral next to veracity of not having a study that they may not suffer with known about." But Catalina Cifuentes, who works to nurture college access in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles, has reservations. She worries that removing the SAT discussed tests on work out up more barriers representing her students, more happily than less. "Hundreds of my students shoplift the partake in tests in Spanish and other languages because it provides them an likelihood future to make on top of someone an mind-set cast of their premonition of a impaired interaction," explains Cifuentes. Incalculable of her students guess a retarded pidgin at dwelling-place and would be the start in their brood to trek to college. She says her college-bound students snippet enroll in the University of California and California Announce University systems, which both be pint-sized of two years of coursework in another word determination in bias of admission. The SAT foreign-language tests every in days gone by in a while filled that obligated to, but the house-moving of these exams means Cifuentes wish obtain to muu-muu gears. "We wishes key to work closely with our to the max county teachers to swell on ideas ... in behalf of students who already impute to, track record and indicate another parlance," she says. Her calling is all hither component layout districts novelty to decisions from colleges and organizations like the College Council, Cifuentes explains. "Every determine they consult on — there's true-blue repercussions. 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姓名: Isles 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2021/2/7 5:56:37
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姓名: Kinchela 状态: 未处理 留言时间: 2021/2/6 20:00:30
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